We all want children to do better in school. The single greatest predictor of a child’s educational success is the literacy level of his/her parents. Research tells us that focusing on educating children without addressing their parent’s need will not solve the achievement gap. “If parents cannot support their children’s needs because of their own educational deficit, books stay in backpacks, homework assignments go unfinished, and the cycle of educational attainment continues,” writes Karen La Forge of the READ Center.
“Children of low-literate parents are more likely to get poor grades, display behavioral problems, have high absentee rates, repeat school years, or drop out” according to the National Coalition for Literacy. ProLiteracy America reports children of low-literate parents to have a 72% chance of reading at the lowest levels.
These adults hide in plain sight right here in our community. They are embarrassed. They do feel ashamed. They try to conceal their problem from their families, co-workers and friends. They often wait years before asking for help.
Literacy in adults touches nearly every social issue. Parenting, education, health, housing, employment, workforce development, and poverty are just a few. Addressing these issues now and for the long term means we must invest in educating parents and adults in our area.
Many students at the Literacy Coalition do not read at a fifth-grade level. They often do not have the digital skills to fill out online job applications, medical appointments, or information about other services. They feel isolated and alone.
I know this sounds odd but more than 36 million adults cannot read or do math at a third-grade level in the United States. In Kokomo and Howard County about 16% of adults lack basic literacy skills.
There is some good news. Adult literacy is a solvable problem! We know the cause and we know the cure. At the Literacy Coalition, we know when we help adults increase their literacy skills we are also helping the children and our community. We help break the cycle of low literacy and poverty, providing more opportunities, and changing lives.
If you would like to invest in adult literacy in our community please hit the donate button and make your investment in our community.